Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Halloween Party!

We had a great time.  Along with the traditional Halloween games like bobbing for apples and pin the tail on the communist, we also had an illegal alien hunt.  That proved to be a great success.  Taylor came in first place with 12 illegal immigrants, and was awarded a Red Rider BB-Gun.  
And the kids loved our haunted prison, it was really spooky...
But the funniest thing that happened was...
Everyone showed up in the same costume!  How embarrassing!
Hope the rest of you had a safe and enjoyable Halloween too!

The Democrats actually won the mid-term elections.

Yes that’s right, the Democrats won the election.  You might be questioning my sanity for making such a statement after the Democrats took a “shellacking” because they did not get out the “message” or something.
Well then, let me rephrase that statement.  The far-left “progressive” DINOs (Democrats in Name Only) that run the party came out stronger than ever.   The electoral “shellacking” Obama talks about came at mostly the expense of the moderate and conservative elements of the party.   Of course, he never cared about them anyway. 
The election essentially purified the party of the few moderates who acted as roadblocks against bills that they saw as veering too far left.  Next year, only half of the Democrats that labeled themselves as “moderates” will exist in Congress.   In fact, Karen Dolan of the far-left Institute for Policy Studies proudly notes that “the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the largest caucus in the House Democratic Caucus at over 80 members, emerged virtually unscathed, losing only three members”.  And more Democrats are likely to join the caucus next year, giving them an even more robust voice within the party.
No doubt, this was a planned political purge, executed Chicago Mafia-style in a way that would make Stalin proud.  You’ll see little or no remorse about the outcome of the election from Obama, Reid and Pelosi.   For them this was a victory to further consolidate their total control and to “rebuild” the Democrat Party on a firm foundation of Marxism.
Despite the loss of the House, Democrats still control two-thirds of the Government (Senate and Presidency with veto power).   And that is exactly where they want to be right now.
The idea here is to; create the impression that the Republicans are really in charge and hold them responsible for whatever comes out of Washington policy-wise.   They seem to be assuming that budget cuts of some kind will be enacted, leading to the spectacle of the GOP being accused of putting “profits over people”, as the union organizers and left-wing activists take to the streets in protest.
Now they can do what they do best (hint, it has nothing to do with creating jobs or leading the country to prosperity). 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The election depends on you!

If the grand alliance that elected Barack Obama comes out in full force to vote we can stop the Tea Party/Republican takeover, continue moving forward and push further for green jobs, union rights, health care and the safety net for the common good.
If voters fail to turnout, the Tea Party/Republican “Promise to America” alternative is clear: continued tax breaks for the top richest two percent which will increase the deficit, privatization of social security, repeal of health care and financial reform, no extension of unemployment compensation, outsourced jobs, increased racism and severe limits to democratic rights.
And by the way, this message was brought to you by the Communist Party USA.   No kidding!   Just check out their web site here:
While it’s nothing new that the Democrat and Communist Parties have virtually the same agenda, but they haven’t openly collaborated before. 
And the Communist Party USA suggests that if you are not already connected, plug into one of the “opportunities” listed below:
AFL-CIO Labor 2010, One Nation Working Together, MoveOn, Organizing for America Call for Change, Hip Hop Caucus, Rock the Vote, Election Protection, and the NCLR.
Well, I must admit that communists will certainly fit right in what that bunch (if they are not already members). 
While “Don’t Tread on Me” buttons are not allowed in polling places, it’s apparently OK to have an Obama logo on the ballot box.  What could go wrong?
So all you good little commies out there, get up and vote for Democrats, Stalin is watching you!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reminder, don’t get drunk and burn witches this Halloween

This beer label depicting the burning of a witch has made the Wiccan’s cauldrons boil.

Port Brewing Company in San Marcos California has a “Lost Abbey” beers collection, which the distributor calls "inspired beers for saints and sinners alike."  Each beer sports a label that aims to tell a story about the struggle between good and evil.
And, on the back of the bottle we find this text:
Whether you're a wonder healer, a caller of spirits or a lover of black magic, they will find you. And on that day, they will boil your blood, singe your skin and make a point to burn your soul to the ground. From that lonely stake, you'll be left to contemplate your life of spell casting, obscure texts and a world operated between the shadows of night and day.
Convicted of a dark art, the crowd will gather to watch as they raze your earthen existence. An intolerable pain is the cross you'll bear that day as you are removed from this righteous world. No one will summon the courage to save you in fear of their life. It sucks. But such is the life of a witch.
In honor of your fleeting existence, we brewed Witch's Wit. A light and refreshing wheat beer, it's exactly the sort of thing you might expect to find being passed around the center of town on witch burning day. Say hello to the Prince of Darkness for us."
It was all in good fun and they had no complaints until they targeted witches.   Then all hell broke loose (so to speak) from Wiccans and women libbers alike.   For example; Cynthia Eller, associate professor of women's studies and religious studies at Montclair State University in New Jersey, was very offended and said “When you put a picture of this on a beer bottle, you're perpetuating misogyny."
Here’s her video:

Personally, I feel that Port Brewing was just doing marketing to sell some beers and that they never had any intentions for people to actually start burning witches, but who knows?   After all, I drink beer because the commercials tell me that if I swig their brew then I’ll pick up some hot babes (probably when I’m in the alley puking my guts out).
And that starts to make me wonder, was it beer that made me sick, or a spell cast by a Wiccan?