Sunday, October 31, 2010

The election depends on you!

If the grand alliance that elected Barack Obama comes out in full force to vote we can stop the Tea Party/Republican takeover, continue moving forward and push further for green jobs, union rights, health care and the safety net for the common good.
If voters fail to turnout, the Tea Party/Republican “Promise to America” alternative is clear: continued tax breaks for the top richest two percent which will increase the deficit, privatization of social security, repeal of health care and financial reform, no extension of unemployment compensation, outsourced jobs, increased racism and severe limits to democratic rights.
And by the way, this message was brought to you by the Communist Party USA.   No kidding!   Just check out their web site here:
While it’s nothing new that the Democrat and Communist Parties have virtually the same agenda, but they haven’t openly collaborated before. 
And the Communist Party USA suggests that if you are not already connected, plug into one of the “opportunities” listed below:
AFL-CIO Labor 2010, One Nation Working Together, MoveOn, Organizing for America Call for Change, Hip Hop Caucus, Rock the Vote, Election Protection, and the NCLR.
Well, I must admit that communists will certainly fit right in what that bunch (if they are not already members). 
While “Don’t Tread on Me” buttons are not allowed in polling places, it’s apparently OK to have an Obama logo on the ballot box.  What could go wrong?
So all you good little commies out there, get up and vote for Democrats, Stalin is watching you!


  1. Where was this photo taken?

    And what is with the word verfication? Are you getting a lot of spam at the Diner dynasty?

  2. The photo came from the Commie USA web site. (see the link) Don't know where they got it from.

    Sorry about the word verification, didn't notice it was turned ON.
